All paintings for sale framed size, oil and cold wax on board unless otherwise stated. Please do contact me on if you are interested in any of my work. I am very happy to answer any questions with absolutely no obligation.

Entitled ‘Inside Out’, this abstract series is a personal exploration of ways of expressing emotion, the feelings we show AND the feelings we hide.

‘Into the Void’ - 54x54cm - £245

‘Losing the Thread’ -54x54cm- £245

 ‘Cracking Up - 54x54cm - SOLD

‘Shades of Grey’ -54x54cm- £245

 ‘Emerging - 54cmx54cm - £245

'A Land of Dreams-54x54cm-£245

‘Inside Out - 50x50 cm - £220

‘Across the Divide’ 30x30cm - £85

‘Dissolving’ - 30x30cm - SOLD

‘Marooned’ -30x30cm- SOLD

‘Adrift’ - 30x30cm - SOLD

‘Long Way Round -30x30cm- £85

The Disconnect’-50 x 50cm-£220

‘Opening Out’ -54x54cm-£245

‘Fragmenting -50x50cm- £220

‘Hidden Parts’ -50x50cm- £220

‘Seeing Red’ -50x50cm- £220

‘Cacophony’ -50x50cm- £220